Mother-Child Shuttle

The mother-child shuttle system is a fully automated and equally versatile storage and retrieval mechanism for multi deep pallet storage. It consists of a Mother shuttle powered by bus bar, which runs on a track perpendicular to the pallet storage in the racking system. It has a pallet shuttle aka child in it which performs the function of storage and retrieval. This system is integrated with vertical lifts that carry the load to its destined position. Once the vertical lift reaches its designated position, the mother shuttle reaches there along with the child. The child takes the load and gets inside the Mother shuttle to again move on the track in order to reach the next destination. Retrieval of loads also happens through the same process.

Products Details

A mother-child shuttle, also known as carrier-shuttle system is a multi-deep ASRS solution, generally employed for high density storage. The Mother carries child along the rails perpendicular to the aisles on each floor. As per the requirement, the baby goes into the aisle to pick or place the pallet. The Mother-Baby shuttle then carries the pallet to outbound system like vertical lifts or conveyors.• Maximum storage capacity up to 80-90%. • Effectively eliminate error rate by WMS (Warehouse Management System) • Allow for expansion as throughput increase without changing original layout • Ideal solution for manufacturing business, especially those in the fast moving consumer goods, food, beverage, and cold chain industries• Mother Shuttle Maximum Speed: 2.5m/s • Child Shuttle Maximum Speed: 1m/s • Maximum Load Weight: 1.5 tons • Power Supply: Busbar/Battery • Minimum Operating Temperature: -30°C • Throughput: 20 - 45 pallet/h • Control Model: Manual, Offline, Online• Hidden seamless busbar as power supply and guide rail patent technology • High-performance motor from International well-known brands. • Excellent acceleration performance and operation stability. • Global leading automatic lossless charge-discharge technology. • Intelligent uninterruptible power control technology for layer transfer. • Advanced smooth ON-OFF operation. • Powered by leading super capacitor, unrestricted recharge cycles. • Online charging without human intervention. • Obstacle-free shuttling technologyHuaruide mother-child shuttle is uniquely crafted with CE standard, the velocity and acceleration are optimized for high rack density as per the throughput requirement of the customer. At a time multiple Huaruide mother-child shuttles can work on the same floor to meet the high throughput requirement. When the throughput requirement is low, single Huaruide mother-child shuttle can handle multiple floors, this gives high flexibility in operations and scope for future expansion. The automated hardware system of Huaruide mother-child shuttle is integrated with intelligent software, which provides 100% visibility and accuracy. Huaruide software directs and monitors the systems. It tracks inventory locations and directs the movement of loads while fully integrating with intelligent software platforms.• Distribution centers • Production storage • Buffer storage • Chilled or frozen storage (-28°C) • Stainless steel applications in the food & beverage sector (i.e. meat industry)

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